‘Into the Mystery’

‘Into the Mystery’ Collage 9″x12″

We are familiar with our river systems in northern British Columbia. It carries our salmons’ birth along with their return, but where they go in between is unknown. It is only imagination that allows us to travel alongside salmons’ subterranean journey.

Can I say this about our own lives? Often, we try to plan our passage, but inevitably mystery makes itself known in both welcome and challenging ways. The unexpected occurs. We can only have faith we will return in some form to our beginnings, be it a breath of air, a flash of light, or an open heart ready to receive.

This collage is a part of the Skeena Salmon Art Show currently on display at the Terrace Art Gallery

About Joan Conway

My artistic passions are poetry and collage. But I am curious human, always exploring new mediums, new opportunities for creative expressions.
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6 Responses to ‘Into the Mystery’

  1. Betty Geier says:

    Love the collage, love your words, and love you! Betty >

  2. This is gorgeous, Joan.Such a treat to see your work.

  3. Kat says:

    Absolutely love this collage and your words.

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