Visual Journaling: Getting Started

Visual Journaling: Getting started

Journal writing is a constant companion. I use it to process, gain clarity, and unload a whole lot of baggage. Visual journaling extends this avenue of connection. I discovered this tool when a good friend handed me Sheri Gaynor‘s Creative Awakenings: Envisioning the Life of your Dreams through Art in 2010. Shortly afterwards I signed up for her on line course. Through Sheri’s guidance, I was able to deepen my explorations. Visual journaling is very immediate, I don’t have to trick my mind into letting go. I can simply experience and allow the images to work through me.

What You Need

  • 9×12 spiral bound notebook
  • glue sticks
  •  magazines, old cards
  • a selection of  paints
  • scissors
  • markers
  • anything that strikes your fancy  (glitter, tissue papers, etc.)

To begin it is good to  remember to  keep it simple. There is no wrong way!

About Joan Conway

My artistic passions are poetry and collage. But I am curious human, always exploring new mediums, new opportunities for creative expressions.
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1 Response to Visual Journaling: Getting Started

  1. leslie says:

    hello my friend,
    i have finally had a few moments to spend with your delightful work on your new blog space. i’m specially drawn to this art journalling, what you’ve done and how (maybe – someday) it might be an avenue for me too.
    also, so many congratulations on your lovely little studio!!

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